Review of educational curricula and methodology for adaptation of educational content in digital environment.

A study was conducted, including a review of existing curricula for the professions Cook and Waiter, as main professions in the field of personal services. The results of this will be used to develop educational content, adapt it to the digital environment and integrate it with new waste management training content. A methodology was developed to guide experts and trainers in adapting the educational content in a digital environment.


Curriculum for food waste management

Result 3

Software development – Module VET trainers and mentors, featuring testing options and presentations

Coming soon!

Result 4

Software development – Module learners, featuring networking, learning, discussing, etc.


Result 5

The European network for the prevention of food waste HoReCa includes organizations such as VET providers, business representatives, young people with interests in the field of waste management, representatives of the local community. The network is open, freely accessible, and can be joined by representatives of all stakeholders.
The creation of the cross-border European
mechanism contributes to the sustainability of the results, but also enables the inclusion of additional stakeholders who would support our efforts so far and benefit from the results.